Urban Sketching St Patrick’s Day Parade in Birmingham

Urban Sketching St Patrick’s Day Parade in Birmingham

Out with the Birmingham Urban Sketchers Group on 17th March 2019 for attempts to capture something of the St Patrick’s Day Parade in Digbeth. Not easy when the wind is furious, and suddenly sleet and hail come out of nowhere! Add to that moving targets to try and draw, and crowds swirling around you, and it’s quite challenging for a country boy like me who is used to frequenting quieter streets. A short day out, I got too cold to carry on and settled for a Guiness with the other sketchers in the warmth and noise of the Night Owl in Lower Trinity Street.

Preparations for St Patrick's Day Parade

Pipers Piping

St Patrick's Day Parade in a hailstorm

St Patrick's Day Parade Digbeth

Photo of sketch preparations