A bright but very windy Saturday drew me out with my sketchbook, not with a group this time but on my own for a bit of sketching. However familiar places are to us in our own home town, they transform in our minds when we start to sketch them and we see them afresh.
I drew this with a fountain pen filled with non-waterproof ink. Adding just water to it created the half-tone wash, which although not very controllable gives a certain life to the sketch! It was so windy and to me this comes out in the drawing.
Retreat into the Library Cafe to warm up, and do a sketch in soft pencil and soluble pencil for half-tone.
With the sun out I found a corner to tuck into, out of the howling gale, and enjoyed doing this pen and watercolour drawing, almost a cartoon, of the Theatre entrance.
And finally on the way home at Malvern Link I stopped to draw a view that I’ve been meaning to do for a long time. It’s only a quick watercolour impression, simplifying as much as possible what seems like a very complicated scene. The atmostphere I was after? Blustery.